

Biography of Aesop

Aesop was a Greek fabulist who is remembered for some of the most popular fables ever written, broadly known as ‘Aesop’s Fables’. There is hardly anyone who hasn’t heard of ‘Aesopica’. Most of these stories have anthropomorphic characters and have a moral attached to them. However, it is wise to remember that his stories were compiled by others throughout history. There is no actual evidence whether or not he told these stories. Similar fables have been found in other ancient cultures as well. There is a mystery surrounding his origin as well, with many speculating if Aesop was actually another storyteller’s fictional name. The love for these fables has survived centuries because of their simplicity. It doesn’t hurt that they have remained relatable throughout time and history and have been used to teach moral values to children. Some of the most popular fables are ‘The Ant and the Grasshopper’, ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’, and ‘The Crow and the Pitcher’ etc. Additionally, morals like “birds of a feather flock together”, “necessity is the mother of invention”, and “slow but steady wins the race” are also ascribed to him.

Short stories by Aesop

  1. A Raven And A Swan
  2. Belling The Cat
  3. Hercules And The Wagoner
  4. Jupiter And The Monkey
  5. Mercury And The Woodman
  6. The Animals And The Plague
  7. The Ant And The Dove
  8. The Ant And The Grasshopper
  9. The Ass And His Driver
  10. The Ass and His Purchaser
  11. The Ass And Its Shadow
  12. The Ass And The Grasshoppers
  13. The Ass And The Lap Dog
  14. The Ass And The Load Of Salt
  15. The Ass Carrying the Image
  16. The Ass In The Lions Skin
  17. The Ass The Fox And The Lion
  18. The Astrologer
  19. The Bat And The Weasels
  20. The Bat, the Bramble, and the Seagull
  21. The Bear And The Bees
  22. The Bees And Wasps And The Hornet
  23. The Birds The Beasts And The Bat
  24. The Boy And The Filberts
  25. The Boy And The Nettle
  26. The Boy Bathing
  27. The Boys And The Frogs
  28. The Bull And The Goat
  29. The Bundle Of Sticks
  30. The Cat And The Birds
  31. The Cat And The Fox
  32. The Cat And The Old Rat
  33. The Cat The Cock And The Young Mouse
  34. The Cock And The Fox
  35. The Cock And The Fox (2nd Fable)
  36. The Cock And The Jewel
  37. The Crow And The Pitcher
  38. The Dog And His Masters Dinner
  39. The Dog And His Reflection
  40. The Dog And The Oyster
  41. The Dog In The Manger
  42. The Dog The Cock And The Fox
  43. The Dogs And The Fox
  44. The Dogs And The Hides
  45. The Eagle And The Beetle
  46. The Eagle And The Jackdaw
  47. The Eagle And The Kite
  48. The Farmer And His Sons
  49. The Farmer And The Cranes
  50. The Farmer And The Snake
  51. The Farmer And The Stork
  52. The Father and His Sons
  53. The Fighting Bulls And The Frog
  54. The Fighting Cocks And The Eagle
  55. The Fir-Tree and the Bramble
  56. The Fisherman And The Little Fish
  57. The Flies And The Honey
  58. The Fox And The Crab
  59. The Fox And The Crow
  60. The Fox And The Goat
  61. The Fox And The Grapes
  62. The Fox And The Hedgehog
  63. The Fox And The Leopard
  64. The Fox And The Lion
  65. The Fox And The Monkey
  66. The Fox And The Pheasants
  67. The Fox And The Stork
  68. The Fox Without A Tail
  69. The Frog And The Mouse
  70. The Frogs And The Ox
  71. The Frogs and the Well
  72. The Frogs Who Wished For A King
  73. The Gnat And The Bull
  74. The Goatherd And The Goat
  75. The Goatherd And The Wild Goats
  76. The Goose And The Golden Egg
  77. The Grasshopper and the Ant
  78. The Hare And His Ears
  79. The Hares And The Frogs
  80. The Heron
  81. The Impostor
  82. The Kid And The Wolf
  83. The Lark And Her Young Ones
  84. The Leap At Rhodes
  85. The Lion And The Ass
  86. The Lion And The Ass (2nd Fable)
  87. The Lion And The Gnat
  88. The Lion And The Mouse
  89. The Lion The Ass And The Fox
  90. The Lion The Bear And The Fox
  91. The Lion's Share
  92. The Man And The Lion
  93. The Man And The Satyr
  94. The Mice And The Weasels
  95. The Milkmaid And Her Pail
  96. The Miller His Son And The Ass
  97. The Mischievous Dog
  98. The Miser
  99. The Mole And His Mother
  100. The Monkey And The Camel
  101. The Monkey And The Cat
  102. The Monkey And The Dolphin
  103. The Mother And The Wolf
  104. The Mouse And The Weasel
  105. The Mule
  106. The North Wind And The Sun
  107. The Oak And The Reeds
  108. The Old Lion
  109. The Old Lion And The Fox
  110. The Owl And The Grasshopper
  111. The Oxen And The Wheels
  112. The Pack-Ass and the Wild Ass
  113. The Peacock
  114. The Peacock And The Crane
  115. The Plane Tree
  116. The Porcupine And The Snakes
  117. The Quack Toad
  118. The Rabbit The Weasel And The Cat
  119. The Rat And The Elephant
  120. The Rose And The Butterfly
  121. The Serpent And The Eagle
  122. The Sheep And The Pig
  123. The Shepherd And The Lion
  124. The Shepherd and the Wolf
  125. The Shepherd Boy And The Wolf
  126. The Sick Stag
  127. The Spendthrift And The Swallow
  128. The Stag And His Reflection
  129. The Stag and the Lion
  130. The Stag The Sheep And The Wolf
  131. The Swallow And The Crow
  132. The Tortoise And The Ducks
  133. The Tortoise And The Hare
  134. The Town Mouse And The Country Mouse
  135. The Travelers And The Purse
  136. The Travelers And The Sea
  137. The Trees and the Axe
  138. The Two Goats
  139. The Two Pots
  140. The Vain Jackdaw And His Borrowed Feathers
  141. The Wild Boar And The Fox
  142. The Wolf And His Shadow
  143. The Wolf And The Ass
  144. The Wolf And The Crane
  145. The Wolf And The Goat
  146. The Wolf and the Horse
  147. The Wolf And The House Dog
  148. The Wolf And The Kid
  149. The Wolf And The Lamb
  150. The Wolf And The Lean Dog
  151. The Wolf And The Lion
  152. The Wolf And The Sheep
  153. The Wolf And The Shepherd
  154. The Wolf And The Shepherd (2nd Fable)
  155. The Wolf In Sheep's Clothing
  156. The Wolf The Kid And The Goat
  157. The Wolves And The Sheep
  158. The Young Crab And His Mother
  159. Three Bullocks And A Lion
  160. Two Travelers And A Bear